Friday, January 8, 2010

Counting down!

The countdown has begun! 9 days left until the big day! I can't wait to embark on one of the greatest vacations/learning experiences I will probably ever have!

Before anything, I want to thank the Cincinnatus Foundation at University of Cincinnati, Semester at Sea Study Abroad Program, and most importantly, my family, for giving me this incredible opportunity. Without their support, this dream would definitely not turn into a reality! Thank you so much!

The Semester at Sea Program is a study abroad program in which about 400 students and 100 professors travel by ship to eleven different countries, stopping at each port for about a week and learning about the culture, language, history, of each country through the classes held on board.

We leave from San Diego next Sunday morning, Jan 17th, and our first stop is Hilo, Hawaii! (I promise we take classes on the ship too!)

Our itinerary is as follows:
San Diego, CA USA *
Hilo / Honolulu, Hawaii USA
Yokohama / Kobe, Japan
Shanghai / Hong Kong, China
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Chennai / Cochin, India
Port Louis, Mauritius
Cape Town, South Africa
Tema (Accra), Ghana
Salvador, Brazil
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA

I just finished signing up for my classes, and while making the final selection, I couldn't believe the wide array of classes there were to choose from. I have decided on the following, and I'm extremely excited:

Linguistics: Language Death
History: Pakistan - Islamic Frontier and the "War on Terror" (most excited for this course!)
Religion and Politics
Global Studies
Arts Collage
Learning the Instrument "Gamelan"

I will definitely keep everyone posted as often as possible! I hope to keep in touch with my friends and family through this site, so please leave comments and thoughts and anything else!
I'm hoping I don't get too well as praying I don't fall off the ship...after all this will be my first cruise!

Yellow fever vaccination, packing sea sickness meds, and looking for shorts and flip-flops is taking up the entire days! Wish me a safe journey and please keep checking back for more posts and pictures!

Thank you for reading!



  1. i hope you're getting paid to advertise like that lol....i know you're gonna love the vacation, i mean school. ;)

  2. Good luck and have safe trip
    don't worry, you won't fall in water and even if you do, remember you know swimming LOL
    Keep updating about your trip.

  3. Neha Didi,

    Have a great trip! We are all going to miss you SO much.
    Have a really safe trip and keep on updating us on your exciting excursions...

    Have Fun,

    Yash ;)
